Tuesday, June 03, 2008

So you know when you buy a pair of jeans and they look great and you can't wait to wear them? And then you put them in the dryer and they get all misshapen and weird-looking?

Well, let's just say that Claudia's cake came out looking like the post-dryer jeans:

Ok, so it's not a masterpiece (I kinda missed a spot in the crotch area -- unintentionally, I assure you) but at least it's edible. And can you say that about your favorite jeans? :-)


~grey said...

OH that is sooo cool!!!
Great job there Auntie!!!

what are the red candies at the bottom?

I know she will absolutely love your creation!!!

Happy Birthday Claudia!!!

Maria Perez said...

Thanks! The candies at the bottom are jelly beans cut in half. The design originally called for star candies, but I couldn't find any. Oh well, I'm sure she won't notice. And if she does, hey, it's free cake! LOL. :-)

thirthe said...




AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (off course)

Maria Perez said...

Merci, gracias, auf wiedersehen!
