Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ok, I'll admit it. I watched "Idol" last night.

I wasn't going to, I really wasn't. But then my sister rightfully pointed out that since she was going to watch it anyway, it wasn't like I was going to impact their ratings. Yeah, good point, Laura. Why didn't you think of this, oh, I don't know, three weeks ago?!?

Anyway, was it just me, or did they totally throw David Cook under the bus? You'd think they'd want him to win, seeing as how he'd probably be the most successful of them all, but they seemed to favor Archie all the way. Granted, Arch did really well last night -- and I mean really. It definitely was his strongest night yet. But how many of us would buy his album? (And how old am I that I'm still calling it an album?)

Then again, perhaps that was their strategy -- be hard on Cook so his fans mobilize and vote for him. Who knows? It's not like the show is above manipulation...

What did you think? Did you vote? Will Archie win it all? And will Cook be the winner regardless?


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you watched the show. You said you weren't going to watch so, of course, I didn't watch - I'm such a follower! HA

I'll definitely watch tonight (it's on tonight right?)

Album - - LOL


Maria Perez said...

I know ... I'm weak, I'm weak! I'm not watching tonight, though -- for real. It's a TWO-HOUR show, and the results will only take, like, five minutes of that, so I'll just tune in around 9:45 ...

Anonymous said...

ok, me too then.. I'll call you at 9:45 - unless I'm asleep.

Maria Perez said...

Yeah, who am I kidding, I won't make it to 9:45! LOL.

~grey said...


I think they purposely trashed Cook... to get the votes.

I can't vote... they don't allow "foreigners" to vote. LOL But if I could... I would have voted for COOK! HE is awesome.
Archie was good. But he is just so plain.

I wouldn't buy Archies CD... But I will buy anything by COOK. I have to admit I have bought a few songs on Itunes from COOK.