Monday, May 05, 2008

I have come to a decision: After much consideration, I am no longer watching "Idol."

Oh, I'm sure that once I stop watching it, it'll get much better, as happened with "Grey's Anatomy," "Moonlight" and a gazillion other shows that improved after they lost me. But I don't want to continue rewarding the producers for their questionable practices and blatant contempt for viewers and our level of intelligence.

So "Idol," I'm sure I'll miss you, but it's over baby. And this time, it is you, not me.


Coyne Operated said...

You're bluffin'!

~grey said...

the test will be tonight...

can maria stay away from the tv? I can let you know what happens... :)

Please tell me you watched the last episode of MoonLight? The one with MICK on the beach... with no shirt?? Damn! What a nice vampire! LOL

Maria Perez said...

I am not bluffing. I may be weak, but I have the best of intentions. lol.

I'm going to be strong! I'm going to be strong!

Grey, I get so mad at myself, because the minute I stop watching a show, it gets good. I only watched the first three or four Moonlights, and it was a little silly for me, but now I hear it's really good. Dargh -- I hate that!