Monday, January 29, 2007

I watched "Akeelah and the Bee" this weekend, a nice, sweet film about an inner-city girl who makes it all the way to the national spelling bee. It's a cute story. Of course, I cried -- big surprise. But that got me thinking about how I love to cry at movies. You know how sometimes you just need a good cry, not for any reason other than just because? And you know how you feel tons better afterwards? Well, here's a list of my favorite tearjerkers -- movies that are sure to gets those tears flowing:

"Bridges of Madison County" -- That scene where she's in the car with her husband, and she sees Clint's car, and has to fight not to run out to him? Heartbreaking.

"The Notebook" -- This entire movie made me cry, but no part more than when James Garner says goodbye to his wife as she's dying. I'm crying right now just thinking about it.

"Whale Rider" -- If you have not yet seen this movie, please run out and get it. It's one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. I didn't cry until three-quarters of the way through it, but then I couldn't stop.

"Life is Beautiful" -- If you don't cry at this movie, you're not human.

"Schindler's List" -- If you don't cry at this movie, you're not human.

"Steel Magnolias" -- That cemetery scene kills me.

"Fried Green Tomatoes" -- It's not a tearjerker per se, but it still gets me.

"Beaches" -- Yes, it was manipulative in its sappiness. Still cried.

"Jerry Maguire" -- Back when I was still watching Tom Cruise movies.


~grey said...

Girl!!! We are so much alike it is scarey!

Your top 4 movies are my top 4.
I cried through all of them too. ESPECIALLY the Bridges scene you described. That was the most heartbreaking scene... EVER! When I want a good cry, I get out one of these movies. Usually Bridges.
I usually start crying right at the beginning.

And Whale Rider... OMGoodness! What an awesome movie!

~grey said...

oh and The Notebook... I sobbed through the book and the movie...

Maria Perez said...

Let me tell you, that Bridges scene ... I cry just thinking about it. There's another scene, too ... the one where they're older, and her husband is dying, and he thanks her for staying with him even though he knew Clint was her true love. OMG. Talk about bawling ...

Anonymous said...

oh i know....

that gives me shivers just thinking about it...

haven't watch Akeelah and the Bee yet. But I will soon.