Thursday, January 11, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, I lamented the start of a new year, because it meant another birthday on the way. What I neglected to realize at the time was that the new year also brings ... TV premieres!

That's right, several TV shows will either start or re-start their seasons. Sunday and Monday night: four new hours of "24"! Jack Bauer's back and ready to kick some terrorist a**.

Returning favorites include "Grey's Anatomy" (I've missed those Seattle Grace hotties) and, of course, "American Idol," the show I love to hate. (Or is that hate to love?)

Other shows starting soon include "Monk," everyone's number-one neurotic detective; "Psych," a new favorite; and "Nashville Star," the poor man's "American Idol."

Oh, and I'm all atizzy over Liev Schreiber temporarily joining "CSI" while Grissom, er, I mean William Peterson, goes all theater actor on us. "Damn you Grissom!"

So happy new year to all my TV-loving friends. Oh, darn it; there goes my resolution to get a boyfriend. Oh, well, I'd rather have TV. And yes, I know how sad that is.


~grey said...

GREY's is on tonight.... YAY!!!

I can hardly wait!!!

also looking forward to the start of American Idol. That is always good for a laugh or two.

Who needs a BF... they are too much trouble anyways... LOL

Maria Perez said...

Did you see it? Good show, I thought. I really want Izzy's storyline line to stop, though. It's getting ridiculous. Get over it, already! Denny wasn't even all that. LOL.