Thursday, October 13, 2005

I went to yoga class last night. I’ve done yoga before, but mostly by watching a DVD or in small breaks while doing kickboxing – never a full-length, one-hour class.

So here I am, in the tree position, about 35 minutes into the class, when I feel my stomach doing stuff it should only be doing in the privacy of my own home. I know what’s coming, and there’s nothing I can do to prevent it. Oh, I try, alright. I clench my butt, I pray to the sphincter gods -- to no avail.

I mean, yeah, I should have known better than to eat black-bean soup that day. And I know that yoga relaxes you … all of you. But man, there should have been something I could have done to turn the sucker around.

I tried to pretend it was the woman in front of me. I made a disgusted face when I smelled it, but it was fairly obvious that I was the progenitor of said stench.

How embarrassing! Oh well. I guess I now have an extra hour of free time on Wednesdays. Maybe I’ll take the spin class. At least then I could contain it with the bicycle seat.


Anonymous said...

(hugs) you do have my sympathies...sorry I did laugh, when I first read it. More out of nervous--been there--done that--kind of thing. It gets worse as you get older. For me, now, I don't even always get warning, they are there...all of a sudden POOF! That is really bad. I know I am quite a few years older than you, so you still have time. : ) The bad thing is, the foods that are the worst offenders, are my favorites! I too love black bean soup. : )

Hey, you wrote this on my sons and his girlfriends B-day! How cool! ; )


Maria Perez said...

I was mortified. But I, too, have discovered that the older you get, the more weird stuff happens. You start to discover body stuff that never occurred to you before, huh? Ahhhh, the joys of aging. :-)