Monday, August 08, 2005

Am I the only one who wishes Harry Potter were real so I could adopt him?

Yes? Okay then.


Anonymous said...

Well, that's interesting. I thought you didn't want children. You know he's just a fictional character and in real life would be just as horrible as other children are. Sorry, didn't mean to bring you down, I'm just a realist. Oh, and happy freakin' birthday. : )

Maria Perez said...

Oh, but Harry is no ordinary boy. He's magical. And he's much older than his age and has suffered so much and he's got the sad little scar on his forehead and he's "The Chosen One" and ... oh, forget it. :-)

Anonymous said...

While I love the books, I have raised 5 children and the thought of them having magical powers is just frightening. They are sneaky enough

Maria Perez said...

True. LOL. :-)