Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I've had better, but hey, there was turkey, yams, veggies and dessert. What more can a girl ask for -- other than not being called a fat-ass by her mother? (Actually, the exact words were "Wow, your butt is getting big!")

Ah, it's been a joy having dear ol' mom around. For the most part, things have been great. Then there are the fat comments. My favorites are the passive-aggressive ones -- you know, the "You shouldn't eat so late at night, it's not good for your 'digestive system'" or "You do love bread, don't you?" comments. Great for the ol' self-esteem.

Now, I know I've gained some weight over the last year. In between health problems and stress, I've packed on a few pounds. I'm not blind. I don't need it pointed out. And hey, if you are going to mention it, can you try to do it nicely, like maybe pretend you're concerned about my health or something, not just call me a glutton? I dunno, maybe be motherly.

But hey, on the upside, I'm going to Florida next week to visit Neets for a few days. Woo hoo! And just think, I'll be able to eat what I want and not worry about it. After all, calories don't count when you're on vacation, right? Um, maybe that's how I got in trouble in the first place. Darn it!


~grey said...

FLORIDA!!! WoooHooo!!!!
Bet it is nice and warm there...

You know... I laughed and smiled at your mother's comments... NO!! not in that way. I don't agree with it.

It is just that My Mother use to do the same thing... LOL
I so NOT miss that .... I had forgotten about the rude remarks.

p.s. I love my bread too.... my biggest downfall!

Maria Perez said...

Yeah, I totally forgot all the "bad" stuff while she was gone. Now that she's back, it's all front and center again. LOL. Glad it's not just me! :-)