Friday, September 28, 2007

Ok, I've got a hand update.

Turns out, my hand problem has a name: Trigger Finger, a condition in which one of your fingers catches in a bent position. If it's severe (that's me -- severe), your finger may become locked in a bent position.

Sounds like fun, eh?

Who even knew it existed? And how cool is that name? I mean, it's much better than Nintendo Finger, which is what I would have gone with. Trigger Finger -- it just sounds so ... tough. Makes it sound like I actually do something other than sit on the couch and post on this blog.

Anyhoo, I went to the surgeon, who wanted to try cortisone shots before opting for surgery, which is really the last resort. Frankly, I'd rather have surgery. Have you ever had a cortisone shot?!? Holy canoli, that sucker is painful. The doctor gave me two in my hand. I cried, I screamed, I almost passed out.

I'm supposed to go back in a month to see if I need more shots. Frankly, I don't think I could go through that again -- I really don't.

Oh, and I've also been getting shots in my right foot, thanks to a pinched nerve. But at least that doctor is cute. And I think he's single. Humuna humuna. It might all be worth it, folks.

I'm falling apart, piece by piece...


RFSJ said...


I've never had cortisone shots, and I'm sorry they were so painful. Can you tell yet if they've helped at all?


~grey said...

Well the name definately is cool! Makes it sound like something serious... or that you were doing something serious to get that way. (not that you weren't)

I have heard those shots are really painful. Hope you don't have to go back and get another one.

And your foot too.... *tsk* *tsk* *tsk* See what happens when you get old....

Maria Perez said...

Tell me about it ... I feel ancient! :-)