Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ok, so about my finger ...

Around three months ago (I know, I know), I woke up with a slightly swollen left index finger. I figured it was just a mosquito bite or something, and let it go. Then it got worse (more swollen), then it got better, then it got worse, then it got better, and then it got worse. For the last six weeks or so, my finger is swollen to about twice its size, is bent at the knuckle, and I'm mostly unable to move or straighten it.

So finally I go to the doctor. Turns out, I snapped the tendon that runs from the finger all the way up the arm. Yikes! And ouch! So I have to go talk to a hand surgeon, so he can do more accurate testing and decide the next step.

Of course, I'm not looking forward to surgery, but I gotta do something. It's taken me about twice as long as it normally does just to type this up, since I can't use the finger. (I can, though, still give you the finger, so be nice.)

I've even put off posting this because it would involve typing. And you know anything that keeps me away from this blog is a bad, bad thing. People count on this blog! They want to hear my opinion on things! They want to know what's going on in my life! And silver unicorns are currently planting chocolate trees in my yard!

Anyway, so that's the story with my finger. I'll let you know what ultimately happens.

Ooh, I do have some good news, though: I start school again next weekend. Yes, I said weekend. I'm going back to finish my master's in strategic communications at Seton Hall. I've decided to take a weekend class, which is three full weekends, Saturday-Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. I don't mind giving up three weekends to get the class over with, though -- I've still got about 63 years before I finish, I'm sure.

But anyway, this class is on international communications, so it should be interesting. And just think, I can make a fool of myself in front of a completely new audience. Yay! And I'll be sure to tell you all about it. Double Yay!


Anonymous said...

OMG! How do you snap a tendon? WOW

Great news about Seton Hall - I'm sure it'll be an awesome experience.


Maria Perez said...

Well, I like to say that it happened at the gym during one of my typically grueling training sessions, but it probably happened while playing Nintendo. :-)

Anonymous said...


~grey said...

silver unicorns and chocolate trees.... YaY!

Wow... you better stop working out so hard! That sounds painful.

Hope it feels better soon!

Maria Perez said...

Thanks! :-)

RFSJ said...


We missed you today, but I'm glad to hear about your school plans! and sorry about your finger. Any conjecture about how it happened?


Maria Perez said...

You know, I'm not sure. I woke up one day and it was a bit swollen. I think I hurt it but didn't feel it, and then it just kept getting worse and worse. And I didn't want to be the person who goes to the doctor because of a swollen finger. My bad.