Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So I started school this weekend. I don't know what possessed me to think I could handle going to school again. What was I smoking?

It's a really interesting course, and I've already learned a bit, but I'm not as young as I used to be, you know? Where, exactly, am I supposed to find the time -- and energy -- to do all this research and write all these papers? I mean, what do they think it is, a blog? Pshaw.

Anyway, I didn't do anything to embarrass myself ... yet. But have faith. Maria Diarrhea will come through. Give it some time. :-)


~grey said...

going to school or classes isn't the problem... it is all the homework they expect you to do. It cuts into your blog time.


glad to hear it went fine....

Maria Perez said...

Seriously. How am I supposed to do homework AND blog? Priorities, people ... priorities. LOL :-)