Tuesday, July 03, 2007

With Independence Day (the day, not the movie) upon us, it made me think back to when I became an American citizen. I went with my dad, whose grasp of the English language was, to put it nicely, a little shaky. Sadly, he did better on the test than I did. And I was in college at this point!

Thank goodness for the guy who gave me the test. He totally gave me the answers. How many Supreme Court justices are there? I dunno ... 7? No? Um, how about 15? No? Doh!

I wonder how many "Americans" could pass the test. I say that if you're going to complain about immigrants in this country, you should be forced to take the test. No passy, no bitchy.

How would you do? Give it a shot: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19552808/

It's harder than it looks! :-)


Neetsbeat said...

OK I totally just got 90%. I missed the one about one of the amendments and one about war. Go me! I get to stay!

Maria Perez said...

Yay! Good, because I really like visiting Florida... :-)

~grey said...

this is the same as the Canadian citizen test.... most would get it wrong. I know I would have trouble with some of the questions.

~grey said...

good thing I am not a citizen.... or looking to become one!

30% isn't good at all!!!

Maria Perez said...

LOL. No, you'd get shipped right out of the country. Good thing there's no fence separating Canada and the U.S. Hee hee. :-)