Wednesday, September 03, 2008

You know the saying "You're only as old as you feel?" Whoever came up with that lied.

My sister was feeling under the weather today, so I took the day off work and went to the doctor with her. He gave her some prescriptions, so I went to the pharmacy with her. They said it'd take about an hour, and she had to get to work, so I told the pharmacist I'd pick them up for her. The pharmacist looks at my sister and says, "Oh, ok, so your mom will pick them up in about an hour."


Granted, my sister is 12 years younger than I, but really, her mom?!?

My sister quickly corrected her, and the pharmacist was mortified. She turned beet red and got flustered, apologizing over and over. "No big deal," I said. "You just made a sale. I'm now going to check the anti-aging creams."


thirthe said...

el joaquín del comentario de abajo es joaquín!!???

como decís....GREAT!!!

thirthe said...

ah...por lo que entendí...a la pharmacist le iría muy bien esta canción...

Anonymous said...

thirthe !! ... el comentario de abajo que dice joaquin es de vuestro primito oriental, quien utilizo su resutico ingles.

Anonymous said...

Fe de errata: cambiar rustico por resutico