Thursday, March 27, 2008

I love a good book, even more than I love a good movie. There's just something about the time you invest in a book. And when it turns out to be great, it's so much more satisfying. It's as if you had a part in creating it, rather than just sitting your butt down in front of a screen for a couple of hours and watching what someone else made. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

I've read some really good books lately, the most recent being "The Innocent Man," by John Grisham. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Great? Grisham?" Well, I happen to like Grisham's books anyway, but all you high-brow literati take note: This particular book is not a novel, but a non-fiction account of a man who spent 17 years in bars -- many of them on Death Row -- for a murder he didn't commit. Oh, all you cynics out there, hush. They eventually got the right guy, so pfft.

Anyway, I'm all booked out. I can't think of anything that's out right now that I haven't read or want to read, so I'm looking for ideas. I came upon this Web site, Goodreads, that lets friends share their thoughts on their favorite (and not so favorite) books. You rate a book from one to five stars; you also have the option of writing a review if you want. It's a pretty neat site. If you check it out and you like it, let me know and I'll add you to my friends list so we can share thoughts on the books we're reading. Up next on my list is "The Time Traveler's Wife." I hadn't heard of it until I went on the site, but it looks really interesting and it's gotten generally good reviews.

So if you're into books, take a gander at Goodreads. And if you want to connect with me on the site, let me know. I'm always on the lookout for my new favorite book. Though, I have to say, "Wicked" is going to be pretty tough to beat...


~grey said...

I will have to go have a look at that site.

I love to read too.
My husband reads Grisham. I don't. Too scary. LOL

I read romance novels.

Maria Perez said...

I am not at all a book snob. I love Grisham, Patterson and all those "mass-market" books. The way I see it, it's like a good blockbuster movie -- as long as it keeps your interest and takes you away from the real world for a little while, it's done its job. That said, I'm not really into romance novels, but hey, never say never. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending me this. I love this website.

Maria Perez said...

You're welcome! I don't know who you are, but you're welcome. :-)