Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So, I know I haven't posted much recently. You ever have one of those days where everything seems to be crashing down on you, like you can't seem to catch your breath or a break?

Well, I'm having one of those months. I'm just completely overwhelmed with life. Work is crazy. School is stressful. And I can't even go home and decompress because there's too much to do and no one to help me do it. (Don't even get me started...)

Oh, and I finally decided to take the house off the selling block and am renting it. So now I'm moving all my stuff into storage. Moving -- it's so much fun, isn't it?

I'm really looking forward to Nov. 4. That's the day school's over, and I'll be done moving, and things will start slowing down at work. I'm totally going to schedule a spa package for that weekend.

Anyway, sorry to be a Debbie Downer. Onward and upward, my friends. I'll be back to posting silly stuff soon...


~grey said...

hey... we all have days, weeks, months like this. Good idea to have a goal in mind. Then it won't seem so intimidating.

oh and... moving sucks!

good luck!

Maria Perez said...


RFSJ said...


Yikes. That's a lot going on. I hadn't known you were trying to sell your house. That's definitely stressful. I hope things settle down soon - Nov. is not that far away.


~grey said...

thanks! your a good friend!

hope today is a good day for you