Tuesday, August 01, 2006

As promised, pics from Spain: click here.

It's heaven on earth. But I do have one gripe: The "tradition" of telling me how fat I am continues! Me, carrying pastries onto the bus home: "Hi. How are you?" Random Spanish person: "Don't eat those! You don't need them." Loverly.

Or how about "Have you gained weight?" "A couple of pounds." "Really, that's it?"

Or, two old ladies commenting on my weight: "She's not fat, she just has big hips." "And at least she's proportionate. She's got meat everywhere." Ok, she was trying to be nice, so I'll cut her some slack.

Honestly, I've been called fat so many times I've lost count. Last year, when I was really thin, they still called me fat, so I can't win. Sigh. I'm going to go eat some ice cream.


~grey said...

very nice pictures!!!

looks so beautiful there....

Maria Perez said...

Thanks! It's the best place on earth. :-)